Deutschland English
Deutsch English
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Charging prices


Prices apply only to the {{licenseName}} licence. Prices may vary from provider to provider. The prices below are updated regularly. On rare occasions, prices in the app may be updated earlier than on the website. Therefore, the prices shown in the app will take precedence.

Roaming charging

With CHARGE NOW FOR BUSINESS you get access to charging stations in 28 countries. On our map you find all countries in our network.

Free charge

Charging stations providers offer free for charging are available for CHARGE NOW FOR BUSINESS customers. On our app a driver can filter and find free charging stations.

CountryCharge Point Operator NameCPO IDPhaseTariff Description

All prices are exclusive of VAT

Please note: the billing units for roaming charging in public can differ because of regularizes in each country. Billing units are separated into kWh, time (in minutes) or number of charging sessions. There is a variable tariff for each charging session. Prices depend on the according provider of a charging station. Note that their prices can change. Please find the current prices in the CHARGE NOW FOR BUSINESS APP before charging.